2020 Vision - A Clear View into the True You

2020 gives us an opportunity to reflect back on the last 10 years of our lives, and to prayerful look forward and anticipate God’s unique vision for us.  During this six week series, we will spend time together developing greater clarity and focus on the unique calling God has for each one of our individual lives. While the Holy Spirit brings the church together into one united family, He also desires to strengthen the body of Christ and make disciples through each unique person He created. Discovering and living out of that unique call can inspire and build us up to better serve together in His kingdom. We will look at several passages in the book of Jeremiah through out this series.

This sermon series is based largely on resources from Life Younique. Click here for more info on these resources.


2020 Vision - A Clear View into the True You

Feb 2020 - Mar 2020