Spring Through the Scriptures this Wednesday!

Spring Through the Scriptures is a new mid-week program at Peoria Nazarene Church for children starting this Wednesday February 24th at 6 PM. Parents when you arrive check in your kids at the Welcome Center.

Kids will eat in the Sanctuary with their families and then be dismissed to the Children’s Ministry Area for Spring Through the Scriptures with Pastor Shawn and our Children’s Ministry Team.

Don’t forget to register for the meal using our Connection Card. This weeks meal is Taco Bell for Kids and Qudoba Chicken for Adults. Suggested donation is $5 per person, $20 max per family, Kids 5 and under are free.

Parents, please register your kids online using this Registration Form.

If you are interested in volunteering please complete our Volunteering Form or contact Pastor Shawn.


Spring Through the Scriptures this Wednesday!

Feb 22