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Game Night

5504 N University St, Peoria, IL, United States

Everyone is invited! Join us as we gather for a night of games and fellowship. We ask that everyone bring their favorite game and a snack to share. This is a great time to meet new people and the perfect night to invite a friend for Games and Food.

Senior Adult Gathering

5504 N University St, Peoria, IL, United States

Join us for Senior Adult Gathering. This is a time when we gather once a month for a meal, worship, and a message. Bring a side to share and invite a friend.

NERF Games – Pizza party

5504 N University St, Peoria, IL, United States

Join us for NERF Games! NERF games will be held right after the Sunday morning service.  This is a great event for families with children and teens. We will start the event with a pizza party for everyone. You can sign up at the welcome center in the main-level commons.

Game Night

5504 N University St, Peoria, IL, United States

Everyone is invited! Join us as we gather for a night of games and fellowship. We ask that everyone bring their favorite game and a snack to share. This is a great time to meet new people and the perfect night to invite a friend for Games and Food.

Chili Fest

5504 N University St, Peoria, IL, United States

Chili Fest is a fun night to connect with friends and taste all kinds of great chili entries. Games will be set up in the sanctuary for kids and adults.  Click here to sign up

Senior Adult Gathering

5504 N University St, Peoria, IL, United States

Join us for Senior Adult Gathering. This is a time when we gather once a month for a meal, worship, and a message. Bring a side to share and invite a friend.

Palm Sunday

Join us for palm Sunday.

Good Friday

Join us for Good Friday service. We will gather for a simple service as we remember the sacrifice Jesus made for us on the cross.

Easter Sunday

Join us on Easter Sunday! 9:30 AM Breakfast – donuts, fruit, juice & coffee 10:30 AM Worship Service Easter Egg Dash following the service.