Serve Day: Church Family Leaf Rake

  • This event has passed.

Our church family comes together each year to help our senior adults clean up their yards. This is a great time of exercise, connection, fun, and ministry. We are looking for as many volunteers as possible to join in this blessing! Here is what you need to know.

There are two planned times you can serve with others, but don’t hesitate to let us know if you would like to do a yard at another time.

  • Meet at the Church Saturday 11/5 in Room 200 @ 8 AM. Yes you will be glad that you got your family up early. Marilyn Strickler will be providing breakfast casseroles, coffee, and goodies! After we eat, we will break into teams and get to work. We have between 8-10 homes to help. Our goal is to finish by noon. If you can’t stay that long – no worries, help as long as possible.
  • Meet at the Church Saturday 11/12 in Room 200 @ 9 AM. 

What to Bring – Bring gloves, rakes, leaf blowers, tarps, a leaf machine … whatever you think will be helpful. Homeowners will have bags and the church will have extras.

Please SIGN UP HERE and let us know that you which time you are coming. If you can’t make the day and are still interested in helping please sign up to do a yard on your own at another time.

Many hands make light and fun work!


Serve Day: Church Family Leaf Rake

Nov 5, 2022  |  8:00am12:00pm