Emotionally Healthy Spirituality

All Church Initiative

Based on the book and resources by Peter Scazzero

The last couple of years have brought unexpected change and added stress to our lives. We have been reminded about how fragile our health can be. Most of us can say that we have either been impacted personally in our emotional and mental health or we know somebody who has. In light of this, we want to take time to grow together in our health and learn how to help one another.

Caring for our emotional and mental health is one of the most important things that we can do. In fact, it is difficult to grow into spiritually maturity while neglecting our emotional health. This involves learning to slow down and develop a deep relationship with Jesus that transforms our innermost being. This takes time and intentional focus.

During this all church initiative, we are asking for our whole church family (and anyone else who would like to join us) to do three things:

  1. Commit to Gather for Weekly Worship: If you are able to gather in person safely, we invite you to join us. If you are unable to attend in person, we invite you to join us online on Facebook and Youtube. Pastor Mark will be preaching 8 sermons on this topic that will take us through number of passages in the Old and New Testament.
  2. Connect with Someone for Weekly Discipleship: Each week Discipleship Questions will be printed in the Bulletin to discuss in a small group, as a family, with a mentor, spouse, or at a Bible Study. The Discipleship Questions will also be available online each week. If you are interested in joining or leading a weekly Zoom Group please indicate so on your Connection Card or contact Pastor Mark here.
  3. Carve Out Time Daily to be with Jesus: One of the most important things we can do for our health is to slow down and make time personally to be with Jesus. We are providing a devotional resource to help with this called, “Emotionally Healthy Spirituality: Day by Day” by Peter Scazzero. It is an 8 week devotional that will go along with the series. There are 40 copies available at the church this Sunday for free as a gift to you. Please take one for each family. You can also receive the Kindle Book for free if you have Amazon Prime, or purchase additional copies online.

Please prayerfully consider joining us for this 8-week journey. As is true of most things, we got out of it what we put into it. We pray that this initiative will be a blessing to you personally, your family, and enable us together to bless others.


Emotionally Healthy Spirituality

Jan 6