Christmas Family Worship Guide

This Christmas is an excellent opportunity to spend intentional time in worship before opening presents or eating the family meal together.

Here are some simple things you can do to spend time with Jesus on Christmas Day as a family:

  1. Read the Christmas Story together – Luke 2:1-20. Take time to read it slowly and reflectively – Imagine you are there.
  2. Share what the gift of Jesus means to you and how you want to treasure this gift more in the coming new year. It might be appropriate to reflect together as a family on the presence of “God with us” in your family last year. How has God been faithful to you in 2022?
  3. Sing a Christmas Carol together like “Away in a Manger.
  4. Pray together as a family and give thanks for the gift of Jesus.

Feel free to adapt and makes space for your family traditions. Don’t be afraid to acknowledge grief and the feelings of missing someone. Remember that Jesus is with you as you spend time together with him.

If you want to listen to several songs telling the Christmas story through scripture – check out Andrew Peterson’s – Behold the Lamb of God Album.


Christmas Family Worship Guide

Dec 16