Good Friday Service

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Join us at Peoria Nazarene Church for a Good Friday Worship Gathering (in person and online).

It is impossible to fully experience the hope of the Risen Christ until we see and know him first as the Suffering Messiah. You are invited to join us at Peoria Nazarene Church this Good Friday to see the love of God displayed on the Cross of Christ. There is no greater display of God’s love for all people than his voluntary participation in our sufferings.

This year we invite you to allow Christ to meet you in the middle of your sufferings and the areas of your life that are not yet as they one day will be. God is for us – He loves us and never turns us away when we come to Him in faith!

The gathering will include a progression of lights and candles being extinguished to remind us of the death of Christ. Pastor Mark will share a message called, “Perspectives from the Cross,” about the two criminals and Christ on the cross. The service will also include an invitation for all to share in the Lord’s Supper.

We hope you join us for this meaningful service. We encourage families with children to attend this service together. What a wonderful way for us to prepare to celebrate God’s victory over evil and death on Easter! All are welcome!


Good Friday Service

Apr 15, 2022  |  6:30pm7:30pm