Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

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Join us for a traditional Christmas Eve Candlelight service on December 24 @ 5:00pm. We will sing carols, share Scripture and share in the Lord’s Supper.  We will end the evening by passing the light of the Christ-child as we sing. This service will be held in-person and online on Facebook and YouTube.

For those joining us via live stream, we will be partaking in the Lord’s Supper together during this service. You can also participate in this experience from your home. Jesus used the elements of the cup and bread to represent His shed blood and broken body. You may simply use what you have in your home – bread or crackers and juice or water (grape juice is typical). Communion (the Lord’s Supper) is an ordinance given to all believers by Jesus to remember his sacrifice for us and to symbolize the new covenant.

1. Gather the elements – Crackers/Bread & Juice/Water – Feel free to use what you already have in your home or pick up these items between now and Sunday.
2. Join our live stream on Facebook or YouTube – We will partake in the Lord’s Supper together toward the end of our worship service. Pastor Mark will give instructions to guide us through the experience.

We will also be closing the evening a candle lighting as we sing Silent Night. You can also gather candles to participate along with those worshipping in person.


Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Dec 24, 2020  |  5:00pm6:00pm