Spring Through the Scriptures

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Event Series Event Series: Spring Through the Scriptures

Spring Through the Scriptures is a new mid-week program at Peoria Nazarene Church for children. Each week while Pastor Mark will be leading “Breaking Bread Together” Pastor Shawn and the Children’s Ministry Team will be leading Spring Through the Scriptures.

Parents when you arrive check in your kids at the Welcome Center. Kids will eat in the Sanctuary with their families and then be dismissed to the Children’s Ministry Area for Spring Through the Scriptures with Pastor Shawn and our Children’s Ministry Team.

Spring Through the Scriptures values teaching children the Christian faith, how to pray, and how to read God’s Word in a fun and safe environment. With so many things in this world competing for our children’s attention we long to see our children love God and love his Word. Spring Through the Scriptures seeks to participate in God’s work of redemption in our children’s lives in hope that by God’s grace their hearts will see and be overcome by the glorious truth of Jesus Christ! If you are interested in signing your children up for Spring Through the Scriptures, you can do so HERE.

If you are interested in volunteering for Spring through the Scriptures, we are welcoming parents, grandparents, or anyone who has a profession of faith in Jesus Christ and senses God’s Spirit prompting them to help with Spring Through the Scriptures to sign up to serve at least two Wednesday evenings. These two evenings of serving will give parents and grandparents glimpses of Spring through the Scriptures, what their children are learning, and will be helpful to their role as the primary disciple makers of their children. If interested in signing up to volunteer for Spring Through the Scriptures, you can do so HERE.

All volunteers are required to complete a background check, screening, and training. We are committed to providing a safe and fun environment for all kids to learn to follow Jesus.


Spring Through the Scriptures

Apr 14, 2021  |  6:00pm7:30pm